Method Today - Redescribing Approaches to the Study of Religion - Brad Stoddard

Method Today - Redescribing Approaches to the Study of Religion - Brad Stoddard

21. Combining and Constituting

Method Today - Redescribing Approaches to the Study of Religion - Brad Stoddard

Mark Gardiner [+-]
Mount Royal University
Mark Q. Gardiner is Professor of Philosophy at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Canada. He is co-author (with Steven Engler) of In the Beginning was the Network; Semantic Holism and the Study of Religion (De Gruyter, forthcoming)
Steven Engler [+-]
Mount Royal University
Steven Engler is Professor of Religious Studies at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Canada. He researches Umbanda, Kardecist Spiritism and related spirit-incorporation religions in Brazil, as well as methodology, theories and meta-theory in the study of religions.


There is an ambiguity in Schilbrack’s discussion: should intentions and bodily movements be analyzed as separable components of actions or as parts of a unified whole? We point to problems with the former view and ask whether the latter is more useful.

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Gardiner, Mark; Engler, Steven. 21. Combining and Constituting. Method Today - Redescribing Approaches to the Study of Religion. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 228-236 Sep 2018. ISBN 9781781795682. Date accessed: 09 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.34439. Sep 2018

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