Exploring the Holy Land - 150 Years of the Palestine Exploration Fund - David Gurevich

Exploring the Holy Land - 150 Years of the Palestine Exploration Fund - David Gurevich

2. The Role of the PEF in Setting up the Architectural Draughtsmanship Tradition in Levantine Archaeology

Exploring the Holy Land - 150 Years of the Palestine Exploration Fund - David Gurevich

Sveta Matskevich [+-]
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Sveta Matskevich is Associated Research Fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


The significance of the PEF in the early archaeological investigation of the Levant is much appreciated and well-studied. Yet, it is rarely acknowledged that PEF played a key-role in setting the standards of the organization and recording of archaeological excavation that went far beyond the antiquarian tradition, and serve archaeologists till today. In this study, I analysed architectural drafting and surveying methods, used for the first PEF projects, and have tried to reconstruct the process of formation of archaeological draughtsmanship in the Levant.

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Matskevich, Sveta. 2. The Role of the PEF in Setting up the Architectural Draughtsmanship Tradition in Levantine Archaeology. Exploring the Holy Land - 150 Years of the Palestine Exploration Fund. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 33-58 Feb 2019. ISBN 9781781797068. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=34539. Date accessed: 18 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.34539. Feb 2019

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