The Public Archaeology of Death - Howard Williams

The Public Archaeology of Death - Howard Williams


The Public Archaeology of Death - Howard Williams

Karina Croucher [+-]
University of Bradford
Karina Croucher is Senior Lecturer in the School of Archaeological and Forensic Sciences at the University of Bradford. Her research focuses on mortuary archaeology and its relevance to contemporary society.


Reviewing and reflecting on the volume, this Afterword aims to explore key themes and identifies suggestions for future research in the public archaeology of death. It discusses the value of student research (both to the discipline and the learner) as well as advocating taking a holistc approach to archaeological research, learning and practice.

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Croucher, Karina. Afterword. The Public Archaeology of Death. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 183-188 Jan 2019. ISBN 9781781795934. Date accessed: 07 Oct 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.34672. Jan 2019

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