Beliefs and Teaching (Practice): Internal Factors

English Language Teacher Beliefs - Farahnaz Faez

Farahnaz Faez [+-]
University of Western Ontario
Farahnaz Faez is an associate professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Western Ontario, Canada.
Michael Karas [+-]
University of Western Ontario
Michael Karas is a PhD student in the Faculty of Education at the University of Western Ontario, Canada.


This chapter addresses teacher beliefs and practice. The first of two to do so, it looks at the “internal supports and hindrances” (Buehl & Beck, 2015, p.74) that affect the (in)congruence between teachers’ beliefs and practice. The relationship between beliefs and practice has featured prominently in the literature, with authors noting a reciprocal relationship between the two factors (S. Borg, 2015; Buehl & Beck, 2015). However, while a great focus has been placed on measuring if beliefs and practice align or not, less has been discussed in terms of what causes (in)congruence, and how these elements can be addressed. Drawing on Buehl and Beck’s (2015) distinction between internal and external factors, this first chapter addresses the internal factors, discussing teachers’ beliefs in relation to items within teachers that either support or hinder them from enacting their beliefs in the classroom. These ‘within factors’ can include other beliefs, teachers’ (pedagogical) content knowledge, experience and even their own awareness and ability to self-reflect (Buehl & Beck, 2015). In consideration of all these elements, and with a focus on reflection, this chapter provides practical strategies for teachers to use that address the internal impediments/supports that may be causing (in)congruence between their beliefs and teaching practices.

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Faez, Farahnaz; Karas, Michael. Beliefs and Teaching (Practice): Internal Factors. English Language Teacher Beliefs. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. Oct 2025. ISBN 9781781797525. Date accessed: 19 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.35786. Oct 2025

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