In Britain: 1914-1923

The Life of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya - (Volume 1 of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya: Biography and Collected Writings) - Elizabeth J. Harris

Elizabeth J. Harris [+-]
University of Birmingham
Elizabeth Harris is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow within the Edward Cadbury Centre for the Public Understanding of Religion, University of Birmingham, UK. Before this, she was an Associate Professor at Liverpool Hope University. She specializes in Buddhist Studies and inter-faith studies, and has published widely in both disciplines. Her publications include: What Buddhists Believe (Oneworld, 1998): Theravada Buddhism and the British Encounter: Religious, missionary and colonial experience in nineteenth century Sri Lanka (Routledge, 2006): Buddhism for a Violent World: A Christian Reflection (Epworth, 2010/now published by SCM).
John L. Crow [+-]
Florida State University
John L. Crow holds a Ph.D. in American religious history from Florida State University, where he is an instructional design faculty member assisting other faculty in course design and use of education technology.


Chapter Five examines the last nine years of Ananda Metteyya’s life, which were spent in Britain. He was forced to return to Britain because of the state of his health and disrobed (becoming a lay person again), because the journey would involve handling money. His intention was to join his sister on her return to the United States of America. When his passage to America was refused because of his health, Buddhists in the Liverpool area looked after him, with the Buddhist Society raising money for his support. During World War One, his health rallied and he returned to London, taking on responsibilities within the Buddhist Society, his passion for Buddhism undiminished. During these years, he struggled with poverty and chronic illness but continued to influence many through lectures, writing and conversation. He died of an intestinal obstruction on 9 March 1923.

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Harris, Elizabeth; Crow, John. In Britain: 1914-1923. The Life of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya - (Volume 1 of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya: Biography and Collected Writings). Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. Sep 2025. ISBN 9781800506510. Date accessed: 09 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.36336. Sep 2025

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