Engaging Language Learners through CALL - From Theory and Research to Informed Practice - Nike Arnold
Culture and CALL
Engaging Language Learners through CALL - From Theory and Research to Informed Practice - Nike Arnold
Sarah Guth [+ ]
University of Padova
Sarah Guth teaches English as a foreign language (EFL) at the University of Padova, Italy. She was the Program Coordinator at the SUNY COIL Center from February 2013 to June 2014. Her research focuses on telecollaboration, intercultural communication and the normalization of virtual exchange in higher education. She is the President of the UNICollaboration Organisation. She has published numerous articles and book chapters on language learning and testing, computer-mediated communication, intercultural competence, and culture learning and co-edited the book Telecollaboration 2.0: Language, Literacies and Intercultural Learning in the 21st Century with Francesca Helm.
Francesca Helm [+ ]
University of Padova
Francesca Helm is assistant professor of English at the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies, University of Padova in Italy. Her research research interests are in the fields of identity, intercultural learning, virtual exchange and internationalisation of education. She is currently leading the Monitoring and Evaluation in the European Commission’s recently launched Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange project. Recent publications include the volume Emerging Identities in Virtual Exchange https://research-publishing.net/book?10.14705/rpnet.2018.25.9782490057191
This chapter explores uses of technology in addressing culture, a complex and multifaceted construct, in the language class. The pedagogic practices identified offer learners opportunities to access and critically engage with online multimedia resources which relate to culture; to communicate and collaborate with culturally and/or geographically distant peers through intercultural exchange; and bridge learner engagement in online cultures with formal language learning.