Engaging Language Learners through CALL - From Theory and Research to Informed Practice - Nike Arnold

Engaging Language Learners through CALL - From Theory and Research to Informed Practice - Nike Arnold

CALL and L2 Reading: Current Research and Application

Engaging Language Learners through CALL - From Theory and Research to Informed Practice - Nike Arnold

Alan Taylor [+-]
Brigham Young University-Idaho
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Alan M. Taylor (PhD, Purdue University) is French Section Head at Brigham Young University-Idaho. His research areas include CALL and L2 reading, Reading Strategy Training, L1 glossing and meta-analytic methodology in L2 research. He wrote one of the first quantitative meta-analytic dissertations in the L2 learning field in 2002 and has since published seven quantitative meta-analyses examining the effects of paper-based glossing, CALL glossing and strategy training on L2 reading comprehension. His work has been published in journals such as CALICO, Reading in a Foreign Language, Language Learning and Technology, Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics and the Canadian Modern Language Review.


This chapter discusses how CALL can enhance L2 reading via glossing, reading strategies and from a sociocultural perspective. Reading assessment and pedagogical implications are also included, along with online resources and useful mobile apps. Teaching and research applications are then presented in light of current research.

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Taylor, Alan. CALL and L2 Reading: Current Research and Application. Engaging Language Learners through CALL - From Theory and Research to Informed Practice. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 179-207 Feb 2019. ISBN 9781781798287. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=36945. Date accessed: 09 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.36945. Feb 2019

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