Engaging Language Learners through CALL - From Theory and Research to Informed Practice - Nike Arnold
Digital Literacies as Emergent Multifarious Repertoires
Engaging Language Learners through CALL - From Theory and Research to Informed Practice - Nike Arnold
Jonathon Reinhardt [+ ]
University of Arizona
Jonathon Reinhardt is Associate Professor of English Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition and Teaching at the University of Arizona.
Steven L Thorne [+ ]
Portland State University
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Steven L. Thorne is Professor of Second Language Acquisition and holds faculty appointments in the Department of World Languages & Literatures at Portland State University and in the Department of Applied Linguistics at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
After surveying relevant research, this chapter describes a pedagogical framework that considers how ‘traditional’ digital literacies – computer, information, and media literacies – have changed to be more participatory, multifarious, and everyday. It concludes with descriptions of six L2 digital literacies activities that reflect these new qualities.