Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 1 - Volume 1 - Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen

Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 1 - Volume 1 - Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen

Editorial Introduction

Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 1 - Volume 1 - Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen

Kazuhiro Teruya [+-]
Kazuhiro Teruya is the author of several systemic functional books: two volumes of description of Japanese, co-authored books on key terms in SFL and a complete guide to systemic functional linguistics, an introduction to SFL in Japanese (edited and co-authored) and an edited series of Matthiessen’s collected works. Previously he taught at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PRC and at the University of New South Wales, Australia. He was also involved in the Language-based Intelligent Systems project at the Brain Science Institute, RIKEN, in Japan.
Diana Slade [+-]
Australian National University
Diana Slade is Professor of Applied Linguistics, School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics. She is also Director of the ANU Institute of Communication in Health Care. Her major publications include Communicating in Hospital Emergency Departments (co-authored, Springer), Effective Communication in Clinical Handover: from Research to Practice (co-edited with S. Eggins and F. Geddes), and Analysing Casual Conversation (with S. Eggins, Equinox Publishing).
Canzhong Wu [+-]
Independent scholar
Dr Canzhong Wu is an independent scholar having formerly been Senior Lecturer with the Centre for Language in Social Life, in the Department of Linguistics at Macquarie University. His research interests include translation studies, systemic functional linguistics, corpus linguistics and computer-assisted learning and teaching. He has developed a range of computational tools for discourse analysis and corpus-based studies.


Volume 1 provides the foundation for the whole series of collected works, and includes chapters that serve as introduction of and summaries of Systemic Functional Linguistics. It is concerned with the nature of Systemic Functional Linguistics as theory, as framework and as a school of linguistics. It includes an overview of the organization or “architecture” of language according to SFL and of the lexicogrammatical subsystem of language, and of Halliday’s conception of language as a resource for making meaning. It is also concerned with the history and development of SFL. The new chapter written for Volume 1 addresses the theme underpinning all the chapters in the volume: the challenge of theorizing language, and it introduces the metaphor of cartography (used by Matthiessen in his work on language) as a way of mapping linguistic theory, showing how all areas relate to one another.

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Teruya, Kazuhiro; Slade, Diana; Wu, Canzhong. Editorial Introduction. Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 1 - Volume 1. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. xxi-xxiv Mar 2021. ISBN 9781781797082. Date accessed: 09 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.37439. Mar 2021

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