Seaways to Complexity - A Study of Sociopolitical Organisation Along the Coast of Northwestern Scandinavia in the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age - Knut Ivar Austvoll
Regional Variations 3: Lithics, Metal and Ship Motifs in Rock Art
Seaways to Complexity - A Study of Sociopolitical Organisation Along the Coast of Northwestern Scandinavia in the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age - Knut Ivar Austvoll
Knut Ivar Austvoll [+ ]
University of Oslo
Chapter 5 explores the distribution and different uses of lithic technologies, as well as the chronological spread of metal objects and the evidence of transport provided by ship motifs in rock art. The occurrence of lithics and metal can be used as a measurement of interaction – whether trade or exchange. Although different economic functions might be varied across artefact category, e.g. flint daggers can be viewed as part of a prestige (technology) economy while the simple shaft-hole axes are part of a practical (technology) economy, they all serve as proxies for temporal interaction and concentration along the coast.