Books as Bodies and as Sacred Beings - James W Watts

Books as Bodies and as Sacred Beings - James W Watts

Daoist Writs and Scriptures as Sacred Beings

Books as Bodies and as Sacred Beings - James W Watts

Jihyun Kim [+-]
Seoul National University

Associate Professor

Department of Religious Studies

College of Humanities

Seoul National University


There is a mystical tendency in many religious traditions to consider their scriptures transcendent in one way or another. There are, for example, old Jewish and Muslim claims that the prototype of the Torah or Qurʾan was written by God at the creation of the world and continues to reside in heaven. Jihyun Kim describes how Daoists made an even more fundamental claim. They regarded their scriptures as embodying qi, the fundamental energy of the cosmos. It produced scripts and scriptures even before the creation of the world, and the look and sound of sacred texts brought it into being. Daoist ritual uses of scripture therefore aimed to engage a transcendent and primordial state of being.

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Kim, Jihyun. Daoist Writs and Scriptures as Sacred Beings. Books as Bodies and as Sacred Beings. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 115-135 Oct 2021. ISBN 9781781798850. Date accessed: 14 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.38097. Oct 2021

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