The Five-Minute Linguist - Bite-sized Essays on Language and Languages Third Edition - Caroline Myrick

The Five-Minute Linguist - Bite-sized Essays on Language and Languages Third Edition - Caroline Myrick

32. Do Men and Women Talk Differently?

The Five-Minute Linguist - Bite-sized Essays on Language and Languages Third Edition - Caroline Myrick

Deborah Cameron [+-]
Oxford University
Deborah Cameron is Professor of Language and Communication at Oxford University in England, where she teaches linguistics and women’s studies. Her main research interest is the relationship between language and gender: her books include The Myth of Mars and Venus: Do Men and Women Really Speak Different Languages? (2007), and most recently, with Sylvia Shaw, Gender, Power and Political Speech (2016). She broadcasts regularly on BBC radio, and occasionally on US National Public Radio. Her blog, Language: a feminist guide, aims to make language and gender research accessible to readers around the world.


Linguistic research supports the belief that men and women talk differently—but the differences are small, the reasons for them are complicated, and they don’t always fit with the popular belief that ‘men are from Mars, women are from Venus’.

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Cameron, Deborah. 32. Do Men and Women Talk Differently?. The Five-Minute Linguist - Bite-sized Essays on Language and Languages Third Edition. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 156-159 Jul 2019. ISBN 9781781798553. Date accessed: 12 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.38152. Jul 2019

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