The Five-Minute Linguist - Bite-sized Essays on Language and Languages Third Edition - Caroline Myrick

The Five-Minute Linguist - Bite-sized Essays on Language and Languages Third Edition - Caroline Myrick

57. Why Should Teachers Care about Linguistics?

The Five-Minute Linguist - Bite-sized Essays on Language and Languages Third Edition - Caroline Myrick

Anne H. Charity Hudley [+-]
University of California, Santa Barbara
Anne Charity Hudley is the North Hall Endowed Chair in the Linguistics of African America at the University of California, Santa Barbara and Director of Undergraduate Research for the College of Letters and Science. Her research and publications address the relationship between English language variation and K-16 educational practices and policies. She is the co-author of three books: The Indispensable Guide to Undergraduate Research: Success in and Beyond College, Understanding English Language Variation in U.S. Schools, and We Do Language: English Language Variation in the Secondary English Classroom. She is the author or co-author of over 25 articles and book chapters. She has worked with K-12 educators through lectures and workshops sponsored by public and independent schools throughout the country. Charity Hudley is a member of the Executive Committee of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA) and has served as a consultant to the National Research Council Committee on Language and Education and to the National Science Foundation’s Committee on Broadening Participation in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) sciences.
Christine Mallinson [+-]
University of Maryland
Christine Mallinson is director of the Center for Social Science Scholarship, Professor of Language, Literacy and Culture and Affiliate Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). Her interdisciplinary research examines the intersections of language, culture, and education, focusing on English language diversity in the United States. Among other publications, she is also the co-author of Understanding English Language Variation in U.S. Schools and We Do Language: English Language Variation in the Secondary English Classroom, as well as the co-editor of Data Collection in Sociolinguistics: Methods and Applications, 2nd edition. Mallinson is the chair of the Ethics Committee of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA) and is a member of the editorial advisory board of three journals, Language & Linguistics Compass, Voice & Speech Review, and American Speech, for which also she previously served a 10-year term as the journal’s associate editor.


This chapter explains why all educators should care about linguistics and gives specific suggestion that all teachers can use to employ culturally and linguistically sustaining teaching in their schools and communities. The chapter gives specific recommendations to help educators take language into account in their teaching praxis.

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Charity Hudley, Anne; Mallinson, Christine. 57. Why Should Teachers Care about Linguistics?. The Five-Minute Linguist - Bite-sized Essays on Language and Languages Third Edition. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 283-287 Jul 2019. ISBN 9781781798553. Date accessed: 12 Oct 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.38177. Jul 2019

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