Global Phenomenologies of Religion - An Oral History in Interviews - Satoko Fujiwara

Global Phenomenologies of Religion - An Oral History in Interviews - Satoko Fujiwara

The Grammar to Read "Religion in Culture": An Interview with Chin-Hong Chung (South Korea)

Global Phenomenologies of Religion - An Oral History in Interviews - Satoko Fujiwara

Sukman Jang [+-]
Seoul National University
Sukman Jang is Researcher at The Korea Institute for Religion and Culture. Jang’s research interests include Modern Korean religions, Death Studies, and Anthropological theory. His dissertation “The Conceptual Formation of “Religion” in Modern Korea” (1992) focused on the emergence of the new concept of “Jonggyo” in Korea. His book, What is the Modern Korean Religion? (2017) concerns the changing contexts of Korean religions in the first half of the 20th century. He is presently working on the project “The Changing Attitudes towards the Elderly in Modern Korea”.


Chin-Hong Chung has consistently emphasized the importance of phenomenology of religion (PoR) and introduced the works of Mircea Eliade to Korea. He has called for scholars of religion to expand beyond the limits of single religious traditions, such as Christianity, Buddhism and Confucianism, long before criticisms about the paradigm of world religions were raised. Also, he identified problems with the concept of religion and emphasized that the study of religion should not be confined to that concept. His research has focused primarily on the themes of intellectual honesty and free imagination. The interview was conducted in three sessions, at Prof. Chung’s office in Yongsan District, Seoul, on 21 March, 18 April and 5 June 2018.

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Jang, Sukman. The Grammar to Read "Religion in Culture": An Interview with Chin-Hong Chung (South Korea). Global Phenomenologies of Religion - An Oral History in Interviews. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 147-167 Mar 2021. ISBN 9781781799154. Date accessed: 14 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.38474. Mar 2021

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