Approaches to Systemic Functional Grammar - Convergence and Divergence - Gordon Tucker

Approaches to Systemic Functional Grammar - Convergence and Divergence - Gordon Tucker


Approaches to Systemic Functional Grammar - Convergence and Divergence - Gordon Tucker

Gordon Tucker [+-]
Cardiff University (retired)
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Dr Gordon Tucker was formerly Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Language and Communication Research at Cardiff University, and is now, in retirement, Honorary Research Fellow in the same Centre. His research is located within the theory of Systemic Functional Linguistics, and in particular in the area of lexical and phraseological organisation within a Systemic Functional Grammar. He is the author of The Lexicogrammar of Adjectives (1998, Cassell Academic), and has published more than 40 journal articles and book chapters. He has taught courses as an invited scholar and has been a plenary speaker in Canada, India, South Korea, Brazil, Venezuela, France, Madagascar, Germany, Italy, Belgium and the United Kingdom. Much of his research and subsequent publications have involved modelling lexicogrammatical organisation in the light of corpus linguistic findings, and it has been especially the challenge of corpus linguistic research that has led to his seminal work on phraseology within a Systemic Functional model of language.
Guowen Huang [+-]
City University of Macau
HUANG Guowen is Chair Professor of the Changjiang Programme selected by the Ministry of Education of P.R. China. He has been a professor of Functional Linguistics since 1996 at Sun Yat-sen University, P.R. China. He is now at City University of Macau. He was educated in Britain and received two PhD degrees from two British universities (1992: Applied Linguistics, Edinburgh; 1996, Functional Linguistics, Cardiff). He was a Fulbright Scholar in 2004-2005 at Stanford University. He serves as editor-in-chief of the Journal Foreign Languages in China (bimonthly) published by the Higher Education Press, China. He is also co-editor of the journal of Functional Linguistics (Springer) and co-editor of Journal of World Languages (Routledge). He publishes extensively both in China and abroad and serves/served as an editorial/advisory committee member for several journals, including Linguistics and the Human Sciences (Equinox), Language Sciences (Elsevier), Journal of Applied Linguistics (Equinox), and Social Semiotics (Carfax). He is also a member of the Editorial Board of the Monograph Series Discussions in Functional Approaches to Language (Equinox). His research interests include Systemic Functional Linguistics, Ecolinguistics, Discourse Analysis, Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies.
Lise Fontaine [+-]
Cardiff University
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Lise Fontaine is a Reader at Cardiff University (Wales). She lectures mainly on functional grammar, word meaning, corpus linguistics, and psycholinguistics. Her research interests include functional grammar theory and, more specifically, the study of referring expressions. She is the author of Analysing English Grammar: A systemic-functional introduction (Cambridge University Press, 2012) and co-author of Referring in Language: An integrated approach (Cambridge Univesity Press, forthcoming). She has also co-edited the following three volumes: Systemic Functional Linguistics: Exploring Choice (Cambridge University Press, 2013); Choice in Language: Applications in Text Analysis (Equinox, 2013) and Perspectives from Systemic Functional Linguistics: An Appliable Theory of Language (Routledge, 2018), The Oxford Companion to the English Language, 2nd ed. (Oxford University Press, 2018) and The Cambridge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics (Cambridge University Press, in press).
Edward McDonald [+-]
Independent Researcher
Edward McDonald gained his BA(Hons) from the University of Sydney in 1988, his MA from Peking University in 1992, and his PhD from Macquarie University in 1999, with theses on the clause and verbal group grammar of modern Chinese. He has taught linguistics, Chinese language, translation, semiotics, and music at universities in Australia, China, Singapore, and New Zealand. His recent research interests include the application of systemic functional theory to a range of languages including modern Chinese and Scottish Gaelic (Meaningful Arrangement: exploring the syntactic description of texts, Equinox 2008); Chinese language teaching and the hybrid concept of "sinophone" (Learning Chinese, Turning Chinese: challenges to becoming sinophone in a globalised world, Routledge 2011); and the comparative history of European and Chinese traditions of language scholarship (Grammar West to East: The investigation of linguistic meaning in European and Chinese traditions, Springer forthcoming).


This volume brings together contributions to a key area of interest within the framework of systemic functional linguistics: the role of meaning in the lexicogrammar. A key figure in the debate on this role is Robin Fawcett who has long argued for a fully semantic lexicogrammar where the relevant systems are seen as representing ‘choices between meanings’. This volume, a festschrift in honour of Fawcett’s long-standing contribution to the field, raises important questions related to lexicogrammatical meaning within systemic functional linguistics by examining the meaning-form interface, lexicogrammatical meaning in theme and transitivity, as well as lexis, intonation and its role in computational models. Importantly, discussions in the volume also explore the relationship between alternative approaches to systemic functional lexicogrammar, notably between the Hallidayan model and the Cardiff Grammar model developed primarily by Robin Fawcett.

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Tucker, Gordon; Guowen, Huang; Fontaine, Lise; McDonald, Edward. Introduction. Approaches to Systemic Functional Grammar - Convergence and Divergence. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 1-14 Jun 2020. ISBN 9781781796870. Date accessed: 17 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.38505. Jun 2020

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