The Thought of Sangharakshita - A Critical Assessment - Robert M. Ellis

The Thought of Sangharakshita - A Critical Assessment - Robert M. Ellis

Interpreting Buddhist Tradition

The Thought of Sangharakshita - A Critical Assessment - Robert M. Ellis

Robert M. Ellis [+-]
Middle Way Society
Robert M. Ellis is author of a range of interdisciplinary books on Middle Way Philosophy, both within and beyond Buddhism. These have included The Buddha’s Middle Way: Experiential Judgement in His Life and Teaching (Equinox Publishing, 2019) and Archetypes in Religion and Beyond: A Practical Theory of Human Integration and Inspiration (Equinox Publishing, 2022). He is also founder of the Middle Way Society and of Tirylan House Retreat Centre in Wales.


Although Sangharakshita was always ready to interpret Buddhist teachings in ways that would he helpful to his audience, he also had a core commitment to it from an early age. This seems to have created a strong confirmation bias in which he was unwilling to entirely let go of Buddhist teachings regardless of the practical conflict they created. His doctrinal interpretations were also influenced by idealism and Platonism from Western philosophy. His interpretations of enlightenment, conditionality, karma and rebirth, the Buddha, the unity of Buddhism, faith and going for refuge are all examined here in an attempt to separate helpful from unhelpful assumptions.

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Ellis, Robert. Interpreting Buddhist Tradition. The Thought of Sangharakshita - A Critical Assessment. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 123-166 Jul 2020. ISBN 9781781799291. Date accessed: 12 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.38961. Jul 2020

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