Understanding Attitude in Intercultural Virtual Communication - Ana Oskoz

Understanding Attitude in Intercultural Virtual Communication - Ana Oskoz

Understanding L2 Teachers’ Attitudes via Their Uses of Multimodal Resources in Telecollaboration

Understanding Attitude in Intercultural Virtual Communication - Ana Oskoz

Meei-Ling Liaw [+-]
National Taichung University
Meei-Ling Liaw is a professor of the English Department at National Taichung University of Education in Taiwan. As a two-time Fulbright Scholar, she visited UC, Berkeley in 2000 and UC Irvine in 2008. Her research focuses on intercultural learning, teacher education, and CALL. Her publications have appeared in professional journals including System, Foreign Language Annals, Computer-Assisted Language Learning, ReCALL, and Language Learning and Technology. She has been Associate Editor of Language Learning and Technology since 2016. She is on the editorial board of international journals, including Language Learning and Technology, Journal of Virtual Exchanges, and Journal of Intercultural Communication Education.
Sabrina Priego [+-]
Université Laval, Quebec, Canada
Sabrina Priego is an Associate Professor of the Department of Languages, Linguistics and Translation at Université Laval in Quebec, Canada where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in second language (L2) teacher education. Her research focuses on multilingual digital storytelling, telecollaboration, Virtual Reality, Tandem language learning, and L2 teacher education. She has published on the role of telecollaboration in language learning and on Tandem language learning in refereed journals and given talks at several international conferences. In collaboration with Dr. Liaw, she has designed and implemented several telecollaborative projects involving L2/FL learners, and pre- and in-service L2/FL teachers.


Many studies have demonstrated that telecollaboration has the potential for developing intercultural communicative competence (Byram, 1997), an essential requirement for both learners and teachers in the globalized world. One of the emerging directions in telecollaborative learning is multimodal communication (O’Dowd, 2016). Thus, to adequately interpret the effects of telecollaboration for language teacher education, it demands a sound understanding of how multimodal resources are used and how this may affect teachers’ attitudes or abilities to ‘decenter’ (Byram, 1989) from pre-existing notions of language learning and teaching as well as from their own culture and language. In this chapter, we report on a telecollaborative project that provided L2 teachers in different countries with opportunities to engage in professional dialogues via multimodal means. We specifically focused on the participating teachers’ attitudes and on their changes during the telecollaboration.

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Liaw, Meei-Ling; Priego, Sabrina. Understanding L2 Teachers’ Attitudes via Their Uses of Multimodal Resources in Telecollaboration. Understanding Attitude in Intercultural Virtual Communication. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 117-143 Feb 2020. ISBN 9781781799376. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=39224. Date accessed: 10 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.39224. Feb 2020

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