Jesus and Addiction to Origins - Toward an Anthropocentric Study of Religion - Willi Braun

Jesus and Addiction to Origins - Toward an Anthropocentric Study of Religion - Willi Braun

1. Religion: A Guide

Jesus and Addiction to Origins - Toward an Anthropocentric Study of Religion - Willi Braun

Willi Braun [+-]
University of Alberta
Willi Braun is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of History and Classics and the Program in Religious Studies at the University of Alberta, Canada. He is the former President of the North American Association for the Study of Religion and also the past President of the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies. Although a specialist in the writings and social formations of earliest Christianities in the Roman empire, his work also focuses on the methods and theories of the academic study of religion itself. He has published and presented his work widely and served as editor of a variety of books and journals, including his longtime role as editor of Method and Theory in the Study of Religion; most recently, he co-edited Reading J. Z. Smith: Interviews and Essay (Oxford, 2018).


The author’s introduction to the volume, it provides the initial outlines of a thorough-going anthropocentric study of religion—as a concept, as an aspect of human practices, and as a basis for an academic discipline—by offering a definition of religion as a kind of human talk that can be differentiated from other human talk by its topical content and its rhetorical propensity.

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Braun, Willi. 1. Religion: A Guide. Jesus and Addiction to Origins - Toward an Anthropocentric Study of Religion. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 3-16 Nov 2020. ISBN 9781781799437. Date accessed: 17 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.39238. Nov 2020

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