The Buddha's Path of Peace - A Step-by-Step Guide - Geoffrey Hunt

The Buddha's Path of Peace - A Step-by-Step Guide - Geoffrey Hunt

4. Right Effort: Directing the Mind

The Buddha's Path of Peace - A Step-by-Step Guide - Geoffrey Hunt

Geoffrey Hunt [+-]
University of Surrey
Geoffrey Hunt is Buddhist Chaplain at the University of Surrey, UK. He is now Visiting Professor in Buddhist Ethics at the same university where, before retirement, he was Full Professor in Philosophy of Care, and taught and researched mainly in the field of healthcare and bioethics. From 2008 to 2014 he worked on ethical aspects of nanotechnology for scientific projects of the European Commission. In 2002 he founded, and continues to lead, the lay movement New Buddha Way in Surrey, UK.

He has taught meditation in schools, in a prison, a village for the elderly, and an alcohol rehabilitation centre. He has served the Dhamma in hospices, funerals and interfaith events. He has worked in Japan, Nigeria and Lesotho and is a writer and international speaker on ethical issues of health, science and advanced technology. He has published several books in the field of professional ethics. He is married to Rev. Beverley Hunt, an Anglican minister.


This chapter is largely about mentally endeavoring, striving or making an effort to deal with one’s unhelpful and helpful mental arisings. The former include arisen (actual) and unarisen (potential) unwholesome or hindering thoughts and emotions such as desire and doubt. The latter include accepting, nurturing and supportive arisen and unarisen wholesome ones such as good will and generosity. Metaphor, story and exercise are used. It is explained how the effort required of self-liberating speech, action and livelihood is not so much the effort of doing but of not-doing. That is, the effort of letting go. One exercise involves a switch from reacting to an advertisement to the higher level of observing one’s reaction to the advertisement. Another shows how to cultivate a mind of loving-kindness toward others.

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Hunt, Geoffrey. 4. Right Effort: Directing the Mind. The Buddha's Path of Peace - A Step-by-Step Guide. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 43-60 Aug 2020. ISBN 9781781799635. Date accessed: 11 Nov 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.39403. Aug 2020

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