The Religious Body Imagined - Pamela D. Winfield

The Religious Body Imagined - Pamela D. Winfield

6. The Embodied Palimpsest: Dancing Kinesthetic Empathy in Bharatanatyam

The Religious Body Imagined - Pamela D. Winfield

Katherine C. Zubko [+-]
University of North Carolina Asheville
Katherine C. Zubko is Professor of Religious Studies and NEH Distinguished Professor of the Humanities (2018-23) at University of North Carolina Asheville. Her areas of expertise include aesthetics, ritual, performance and embodied religion in South Asia. Zubko is the author of Dancing Bodies of Devotion: Fluid Gestures in Bharata Natyam (2014), and co-editor with George Pati of Transformational Embodiment in Asian Religions (Routledge 2019). Current research interests include exploring the role of embodied gestures of compassion and hospitality in performances on conflict transformation, and inclusive, interdisciplinary curriculum design as part of the scholarship of teaching and learning.


In the South Asian dance style of bharatanatyam, the devotional bodies of dancers and of the gods they portray model a performative porosity about “religious bodies.” But what embodied resonances of religiosity transfer when the intention of the dancer or topic is not marked as devotional? Apsaras Arts’ Agathi: The Plight of the Refugee (2017-18) offers an ethnographic case study through which I aim to deepen the theory around the porosity of bodies by developing the theoretical construct of an embodied palimpsest: a framework that allows previous “erased” layers to become present and interactive with later layers. I demonstrate how the choreographed gestures and rasas, or aesthetic moods, utilized to embody certain Hindu myths inform this danced portrayal of immigration experiences, but also note how the interactive layers of the palimpsest reshape classical theories about rasa, in particular karuna rasa, the mood of compassion, and can be used to particularize theories about kinesthetic empathy.

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Zubko, Katherine. 6. The Embodied Palimpsest: Dancing Kinesthetic Empathy in Bharatanatyam. The Religious Body Imagined. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 123-150 Aug 2024. ISBN 9781781799727. Date accessed: 10 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.39650. Aug 2024

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