The Spider Dance - Tradition, Time, and Healing in Southern Italy - Giovanna Parmigiani

The Spider Dance - Tradition, Time, and Healing in Southern Italy - Giovanna Parmigiani

La Papessa / The High Priestess

The Spider Dance - Tradition, Time, and Healing in Southern Italy - Giovanna Parmigiani

Giovanna Parmigiani [+-]
Harvard Divinity School, Harvard University
Giovanna Parmigiani holds a Ph.D. in Socio-Cultural Anthropology from the University of Toronto, is a Lecturer on Religion and Cultural Anthropology at Harvard Divinity School and a Research Associate at the Center for the Study of World Religions at Harvard University.


This chapter presents the particular historicity found among the women of the cerchio that the author calls the “expanded present.” She narrates her own journey as a pizzica novice, and describes in greater detail the cerchio’s relationship with pizzica. In doing so, she relies, on the one hand, on the ethnographic materials gathered among the women of the cerchio. On the other hand, she locates and explains the “expanded present” historicity in dialogue with the works of Augustine of Hippo, Erich Auerbach, and Walter Benjamin. In particular, the author focuses on the notion of figura in Auerbach, and on that of “dialectical image” in Benjamin. The overall claim is that “pre-modernity” is not the only alternative to “modernity.” As the ethnographic material suggests, there are “non-modern” experiences and beliefs embedded in contemporary “modern” Europe. While “non-modern,” they are not necessarily “pre-modern.”

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Parmigiani, Giovanna. La Papessa / The High Priestess. The Spider Dance - Tradition, Time, and Healing in Southern Italy. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 115-151 Sep 2024. ISBN 9781800505131. Date accessed: 15 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.40113. Sep 2024

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