Introduction: A Systemic Functional Orientation to Historical Linguistics

Historical Linguistics and the History of English - A Systemic Function Approach - Michael Cummings

Michael Cummings [+-]
York University, Toronto.
Michael Cummings is Professor emeritus and Senior Scholar in the English Department of York University, Toronto. His research interests include Systemic Functional linguistic approaches to discourse and lexico-grammar in Old English and modern English.


This chapter offers brief introductions to systemic functional linguistics and historical linguistics, oriented to students of both disciplines. It goes on to describe some non-systemic approaches to diachronic and synchronic linguistics. The method and the structure of the book are explained, the main historical social cultures are reviewed and the textual examples are introduced.

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Cummings, Michael. Introduction: A Systemic Functional Orientation to Historical Linguistics. Historical Linguistics and the History of English - A Systemic Function Approach. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. Sep 2026. ISBN 9780000000000. Date accessed: 09 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.40458. Sep 2026

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