The Nominal Group

Historical Linguistics and the History of English - A Systemic Function Approach - Michael Cummings

Michael Cummings [+-]
York University, Toronto.
Michael Cummings is Professor emeritus and Senior Scholar in the English Department of York University, Toronto. His research interests include Systemic Functional linguistic approaches to discourse and lexico-grammar in Old English and modern English.


Each of the four sections of this chapter begins with a discussion of the register characteristics of a short text, in modern English, Old English, Middle English, and early modern English respectively. Nominal groups in each text are used to illustrate the experiential, logical, interpersonal and textual systems and structures which explain them.

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Cummings, Michael. The Nominal Group. Historical Linguistics and the History of English - A Systemic Function Approach. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. Sep 2026. ISBN 9780000000000. Date accessed: 10 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.40459. Sep 2026

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