Prosody on the Rise: Recognising Why it Matters

Prosody in Practice - Non-segmental Phonetics in Typical and Atypical Speech - Joan Rahilly

Joan Rahilly [+-]
Queen's University Belfast
Joan Rahilly is Professor in Linguistics and Phonetics at Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Her research focuses on phonetic and phonological manifestations of speech and language disorders, but she is also pursuing work on literacy acquisition amongst young people in the Northern Irish context.


Chapter 2 looks at the efforts of a number of investigators in the late 1980s whose work on prosody was responsible for shifting attention from formal, analytic models to questions of meaning. The move in focus to meaning and function was, arguably, a reaction to what had become by then largely a set of fixed, if not moribund, analysis-driven approaches in which phonetic realisational issues took precedence over communicative processes.

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Rahilly, Joan. Prosody on the Rise: Recognising Why it Matters. Prosody in Practice - Non-segmental Phonetics in Typical and Atypical Speech. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. Aug 2026. ISBN 9780000000000. Date accessed: 14 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.40465. Aug 2026

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