6. Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau: Heritage, Pioneers and Progression

Dragon Headz - Welshness, Identity, and the Hidden Histories of Hip Hop in Wales - Adam de Paor-Evans

Adam de Paor-Evans [+-]
University of Plymouth
Adam de Paor-Evans is Reader in Ethnomusicology at the University of Central Lancashire. His hip hop scholarship is published widely, and he leads the project Hip Hop Obscura: Revealing Hidden Histories through Ethnomusicology and Cultural Theory. He is also a practicing hip hop artist as Project Cee.


Dragon Headz: Welshness, Identity, and the Hidden Histories of Hip Hop in Wales draws upon local, regional and national cultural histories, spatial practice, material culture, human geography, and ethnomusicology to present a narrative of Welsh hip hop. The work here proposes a canon of Welsh hip hop artists and practices to anchor the presence and position of hip hop in Wales, culturally and historically. The book provides insight into the intangible cultural histories of hip hop practice in Wales and its development and progression from the early 1980s to present day. Additionally, the complex relationships between hip hop culture and Welsh identities are revealed, which are crucial constructs for understanding Welshness in hip hop both historically and in a post-Brexit society. Structured into three parts: terrain and interpolation, language and intertextuality, and identity and representation, each part framed within contextual, cultural and current dialogues between global and regional hip hop scholarship and Welsh hip hop practitioners. The book realigns the focus of hip hop in Britain from one of English centricity as a testament to the strength of Welsh hip hop.

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de Paor-Evans, Adam. 6. Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau: Heritage, Pioneers and Progression. Dragon Headz - Welshness, Identity, and the Hidden Histories of Hip Hop in Wales. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. Sep 2028. ISBN 9780000000000. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=40829. Date accessed: 10 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.40829. Sep 2028

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