Syntax-Prosody in Optimality Theory - Theory and Analyses - Jennifer Bellik

Syntax-Prosody in Optimality Theory - Theory and Analyses - Jennifer Bellik

8. Align-driven Clitic Movement in Chamorro

Syntax-Prosody in Optimality Theory - Theory and Analyses - Jennifer Bellik

Richard Bibbs [+-]
PhD student, University of California, Santa Cruz
Richard Bibbs is a graduate research assistant for the SPOT project and a Ph.D. student, Department of Linguistics, UC Santa Cruz.


Many languages allow clitic movement to certain positions, and in most cases this movement is syntactically driven. However, there are cases where this movement is prosodically motivated, most notably Chamorro (Chung 2003) and Irish (Bennett, Elfner, McCloskey 2016). Previous work has demonstrated that clitic movement may be driven by prosodic subcategorization (Chung 2003), or via constraints on prosodic well-formedness (Bennett, Elfner, McCloskey 2016). For Chamorro, clitic movement does not require prosodic subcategorization, and instead can be motivated through the interaction of syntax-prosody mapping constraints and markedness constraints on prosodic well-formedness. It will be shown that only Align constraints on syntax-prosody can motivate clitic movement, with Match constraints being insufficient.

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Bibbs, Richard. 8. Align-driven Clitic Movement in Chamorro. Syntax-Prosody in Optimality Theory - Theory and Analyses. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 313-350 Jun 2023. ISBN 9781800502758. Date accessed: 13 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.41007. Jun 2023

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