On the Subject of Religion - Charting the Fault Lines of a Field of Study - James Dennis LoRusso

On the Subject of Religion - Charting the Fault Lines of a Field of Study - James Dennis LoRusso

3. Response: Practicing Theory

On the Subject of Religion - Charting the Fault Lines of a Field of Study - James Dennis LoRusso

Ian Alexander Cuthbertson [+-]
Ian Alexander Cuthbertson is an independent scholar who is broadly interested in exploring how the category “religion” is deployed to legitimize certain beliefs, practices, and institutions while delegitimizing others. Ian lives in England with his wife Virginia and their son Ciaran and often puts pineapple on pizza.


In this response I outline how the structure of religious studies programs in Canada and elsewhere communicate a particular conception of what theory is and what it is for and explain why this view of theory gets in the way of the critical approaches Dorrough Smith describes. More specifically, I argue that religious studies programs are often designed such that they frame theory either as an optional accessory or else as a tool for working with pre-existing, unique, and bounded data ('religion'). I also draw on the Universal Design for Learning framework to suggest specific pedagogical strategies that address the disconnect Dorrough Smith describes between the learning goals instructors embed in their courses and their students' expectations for religious studies courses. I argue the apparent gaps between what instructors hope to teach and what students expect to learn can be mitigated by optimizing student choice and autonomy; increasing self-relevance; and minimizing construct irrelevance in the design of our courses and assessments.

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Cuthbertson, Ian Alexander. 3. Response: Practicing Theory. On the Subject of Religion - Charting the Fault Lines of a Field of Study. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 40-50 Oct 2022. ISBN 9781800502291. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=41070. Date accessed: 14 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.41070. Oct 2022

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