On the Subject of Religion - Charting the Fault Lines of a Field of Study - James Dennis LoRusso

On the Subject of Religion - Charting the Fault Lines of a Field of Study - James Dennis LoRusso

6. The Enduring Presence of Our Pre-Critical Past; or, Same As it Ever Was, Same As it Ever Was

On the Subject of Religion - Charting the Fault Lines of a Field of Study - James Dennis LoRusso

Russell T. McCutcheon [+-]
University of Alabama
Russell T. McCutcheon is University Research Professor and, for 18 years, was the Chair of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Alabama. He has written on problems in the academic labor market throughout his 30-year career and helped to design and run Alabama’s skills-based M.A. in religion in culture. Among his recent work is the edited resource for instructors, Teaching in Religious Studies and Beyond (Bloomsbury 2024).


Using initiatives to enhance both students’ and the publics’ religious literacy as the example—from professional associations establishing guidelines to Departments seeing in it their raison d’etre--this paper argues that recent critical gains in the study of religion have been effectively domesticated and thereby limited (such as strong critiques of the world religions paradigm). The paper concludes by challenging a new generation of scholars, some of whom are undoubtedly working in conditions that, in key regards, are rather different from their predecessors, to defend the academic study of religion as an exercise separate from advocating for various religious stances.

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McCutcheon, Russell. 6. The Enduring Presence of Our Pre-Critical Past; or, Same As it Ever Was, Same As it Ever Was. On the Subject of Religion - Charting the Fault Lines of a Field of Study. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 77-93 Oct 2022. ISBN 9781800502291. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=41074. Date accessed: 20 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.41074. Oct 2022

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