Negotiating Social Relations - Tenor Resources in English - Y.J. Doran

Negotiating Social Relations - Tenor Resources in English - Y.J. Doran

Negotiating Tenor: Rendering Meaning in Dialogue and Monologue

Negotiating Social Relations - Tenor Resources in English - Y.J. Doran

Y.J. Doran [+-]
University of Sydney
Y.J. Doran Doran is Senior Lecturer in the National School of Education at the Australian Catholic University.
J.R. Martin [+-]
University of Sydney
J R Martin is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Sydney. His research interests include systemic theory, functional grammar, discourse semantics, register, genre, multimodality and critical discourse analysis, focussing on English and Tagalog - with special reference to the transdisciplinary fields of educational linguistics and social semiotics.
Michele Zappavigna [+-]
University of New South Wales
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Michele Zappavigna is Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. As a linguist, her primary focus is on exploring the language of microblogging and social media. Her research in this area investigates discursive patterns in social media texts and corpora.


This chapter introduces the system of POSITIONING: how people put forward meanings (described in terms of ‘tendering’ meanings) and how they react to meanings (described as ‘rendering’ meanings). It shows that by making some basic distinctions in how we put forward and react to meanings, we can develop a model of conversation that can engage with ongoing dialogue in which what people say regularly works to both react to things previously said and put forward something else to react to. The chapter deals in particular with resources for rendering. It illustrates that in English there are a wide range of interpersonal resources for reacting to meanings, including the evaluative meanings of attitude, the heteroglossic meanings of engagement, the dialogic meanings of exchange and a range of lexicogrammatical resources within these. It also shows that these resources can be used in relatively similar ways across monologue and dialogue such that we can see parallels across modes as far as the the interpersonal metafunction is concerned – as we position ourselves in our communities in relation to one another.

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Doran, Y.J.; Martin, J.R. ; Zappavigna, Michele. Negotiating Tenor: Rendering Meaning in Dialogue and Monologue. Negotiating Social Relations - Tenor Resources in English. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. Jun 2025. ISBN 9781800505957. Date accessed: 14 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.41294. Jun 2025

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