Extending Research Horizons in Applied Linguistics - Between Interdisciplinarity and Methodological Diversity - Hadrian Aleksander Lankiewicz

Extending Research Horizons in Applied Linguistics - Between Interdisciplinarity and Methodological Diversity - Hadrian Aleksander Lankiewicz

The Four Perspectives Model for Psychological/Psychiatric Case Formulations in Analysing the Discourse of Clinical-diagnostic Case Reporting

Extending Research Horizons in Applied Linguistics - Between Interdisciplinarity and Methodological Diversity - Hadrian Aleksander Lankiewicz

Magdalena Zabielska [+-]
Adam Mickiewicz University
Magdalena Zabielska, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociolinguistics and Discourse Studies at the Faculty of English at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. She is particularly interested in the issue of the patient’s presence in specialist medical publications in the context of the patient-centred approach to medical practice. She has published a number of papers regarding case-reporting genres.


Conceptually, the four perspectives approach is seen as a “common lore approach” (Bolton, 2014: 182) to case formulation, a micro-genre of case reporting as utilised in psychology/psychiatry. Its main aim is to detail the case, along with its precipitating factors and follow-up treatment, continuously emphasizing the uniqueness of the case (Sim, Gwee & Bateman, 2005: 290). In this chapter, this discipline-specific generic macro-scheme will be drawn upon as a tool to study the specialised discourse of clinical-diagnostic case reporting from an applied perspective. It will be shown that although the two micro-genres represent two conceptually different disciplines, the emphasis on the individual patient can be seen as a common ground and can be translated into particular linguistic resources, which may be of interest in the context of Language for Specific Purposes courses. This analysis is made possible thanks to a qualitative approach to the data, combined with some insights from a computer-aided analysis of the corpus, which consists of case reports derived from the prestigious Lancet journal.

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Zabielska, Magdalena. The Four Perspectives Model for Psychological/Psychiatric Case Formulations in Analysing the Discourse of Clinical-diagnostic Case Reporting. Extending Research Horizons in Applied Linguistics - Between Interdisciplinarity and Methodological Diversity. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 105-129 Sep 2023. ISBN 9781800503649. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=41517. Date accessed: 18 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.41517. Sep 2023

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