The Hunt for Ancient Israel - Essays in Honour of Diana V. Edelman - Cynthia Shafer-Elliott

The Hunt for Ancient Israel - Essays in Honour of Diana V. Edelman - Cynthia Shafer-Elliott

Pain, Gain, or Both? Circumcision, Trauma, and (R)Emasculation in Post-Exlic Israel

The Hunt for Ancient Israel - Essays in Honour of Diana V. Edelman - Cynthia Shafer-Elliott

Anne-Mareike Schol-Wetter [+-]
Dutch Bible Society
Anne-Mareike Wetter obtained her PhD from Utrecht University (On Her Account: Reconfiguring Israel in Ruth, Esther and Judith, T&T Clark, 2015). In her current position as head of the department of Bible engagement at the Dutch Bible Society, she focuses on making insights from biblical scholarship available for a wider audience.


Recent years have seen a turn to the “human factor” of exile, as scholars increasingly apply insights from various social sciences to their interpretation of the events following the demise of the kingdom of Judah. One area of research within this development focuses on issues of gender; more particularly, on the experience of compromised masculinity that would have accompanied defeat and deportation. Leaning on insights from masculinity studies, trauma studies, and postcolonial critique, this article explores the possibility of construing circumcision–a ritual whose popularity seems to have increased during the exile–as a coping mechanism, which functioned to restore a sense of agency, masculinity, and, paradoxically, physical wholeness. This approach not only helps to account for the peculiarly gendered nature of this identity marker, but also offers an explanatory matrix for the ambivalent treatment circumcision receives in the biblical texts, as a ritual that accomplishes both insider identity and otherness, and can symbolize either virility or emasculation.

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Schol-Wetter, Anne-Mareike . Pain, Gain, or Both? Circumcision, Trauma, and (R)Emasculation in Post-Exlic Israel. The Hunt for Ancient Israel - Essays in Honour of Diana V. Edelman. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 27-49 Jun 2022. ISBN 9781800500228. Date accessed: 09 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.41635. Jun 2022

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