Syria and the International Community

Arabic Learning in Context - Syria from Peaceful Reform to Civil War - Abdelkader Berrahmoun

Abdelkader Berrahmoun [+-]
Middlebury Institute of International Studies, Monterey, California
Abdelkader Berrahmoun is Assistant Professor of Professional Practice and served as Summer Intensive Arabic Coordinator at Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, California. Professor Berrahmoun is a native of Oran, Algeria. He began his career as a language professor in Boston, Massachusetts, where he taught Arabic and French at Boston University, the University of Massachusetts-Boston, Smith College, Amherst College, Mount Holyoke College and a number of other educational institutions.


The international community and Western powers have differing views on resolving the Syrian conflict. Likewise, Syrians are divided in their views on the motives and roles of the international community. These diverse opinions on both sides provoke analysis and bring about meetings such as the anti-regime “Friends of Syria” conferences in Paris. Characters reflect on the international community’s response to the Syrian crisis.

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Berrahmoun, Abdelkader. Syria and the International Community. Arabic Learning in Context - Syria from Peaceful Reform to Civil War. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. Oct 2026. ISBN 9780000000000. Date accessed: 17 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.41824. Oct 2026

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