Reflective Practice in TESOL Service-Learning - Cynthia J. Macknish

Reflective Practice in TESOL Service-Learning - Cynthia J. Macknish

Characterizing Reflective Practice in TESOL Service-Learning

Reflective Practice in TESOL Service-Learning - Cynthia J. Macknish

Cynthia J. Macknish [+-]
Eastern Michigan University
Cynthia J. Macknish is Professor of ESL/TESOL at Eastern Michigan University.


Chapter 2 maps Farrell’s (2019) six principles of reflective practice to reflective practice in TESOL service-learning contexts. The six principles are: reflective practice is holistic; reflective practice is evidence-based; reflective practice involves dialogue; reflective practice bridges principles and practices; reflective practice requires a disposition to inquiry; reflective practice is a way of life. Because of the importance of transformative learning in service-learning pedagogy, additional emphasis is placed on the section on inquiring disposition.

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Macknish, Cynthia. Characterizing Reflective Practice in TESOL Service-Learning. Reflective Practice in TESOL Service-Learning. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 38-63 May 2023. ISBN 9781800503076. Date accessed: 09 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.41873. May 2023

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