Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists - Ibn Taymiyya's Rafʿ al-Malām ʿan al-Aʾimma al-Aʿlām in Translation - Abdul-Hakim al-Matroudi

Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists - Ibn Taymiyya's Rafʿ al-Malām ʿan al-Aʾimma al-Aʿlām in Translation - Abdul-Hakim al-Matroudi

The Purpose of Threats of Punishment within Textual Evidence

Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists - Ibn Taymiyya's Rafʿ al-Malām ʿan al-Aʾimma al-Aʿlām in Translation - Abdul-Hakim al-Matroudi

Abdul-Hakim al-Matroudi [+-]
Adbul-Hakim al-Matroudi is a visiting professor of Arabic in the Near and Middle East Department at SOAS. His research interests include classical jurisprudence and the Hanbalite school of law; and he takes an active interest in the field of translation and legal theory. He has published extensively in the field of Islamic law including works in Arabic and English; among these are a recent edition of Jamal al-Din al-Asnawi’s Tiraz al-Mahafil Maktabat al-Rushd, (Riyadh 2004). He has recently edited a critical edition of al-Jira’i famous legal text entitled Hilyat al-tiraz fi hal masail al-alghaz (Maktabat al-Rushd, Riyadh, 2007). Professor Matroudi has published in the field of Prophetic traditions, translating On Schacht’s origins of Muhammadan Jurisprudence by Professor M. Mustafa Al-Azami. (King Saud University, 2006). And most significantly he is the author of the influential study of Ibn Taymiyya entitled The Hanbali School of Law and Ibn Taymiyyah: Conflict or Conciliation, (Routledge, London, 2006).

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al-Matroudi, Abdul-Hakim. The Purpose of Threats of Punishment within Textual Evidence. Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists - Ibn Taymiyya's Rafʿ al-Malām ʿan al-Aʾimma al-Aʿlām in Translation. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 70-76 Jan 2023. ISBN 9781800501713. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=42936. Date accessed: 13 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.42936. Jan 2023

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