Atheism in Five Minutes - Teemu Taira

Atheism in Five Minutes - Teemu Taira

41. How Are Atheists Organized?

Atheism in Five Minutes - Teemu Taira

Richard Cimino [+-]
Religion Watch
Richard Cimino is a visiting professor in sociology at the State University of New York at Old Westbury. He is also editor of Religion Watch, a monthly publication reporting on new research and trends in contemporary religion. He is the co-author (with Christopher Smith) of Atheist Awakening: Secular Activism and Community in America.
Christopher Smith [+-]
Independent Scholar
Christopher Smith is an independent scholar, co-author of Atheist Awakening, and other articles on atheism.


In the past, secular humanists have formed church-like structures, with memberships and leaders resembling clergy. In other societies, atheists have organized debating and intellectual societies. Along with this continuing group formation, today we see significant online involvement among secularists.

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Cimino, Richard; Smith, Christopher. 41. How Are Atheists Organized?. Atheism in Five Minutes. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 160-162 Oct 2022. ISBN 9781800502376. Date accessed: 04 Oct 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.43327. Oct 2022

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