Identity, Multilingualism and CALL - Responding to New Global Realities - Liudmila Klimanova

Identity, Multilingualism and CALL - Responding to New Global Realities - Liudmila Klimanova

Language, Identity and Positioning in Virtual Exchange

Identity, Multilingualism and CALL - Responding to New Global Realities - Liudmila Klimanova

Francesca Helm [+-]
University of Padova
Francesca Helm is assistant professor of English at the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies, University of Padova in Italy. Her research research interests are in the fields of identity, intercultural learning, virtual exchange and internationalisation of education. She is currently leading the Monitoring and Evaluation in the European Commission’s recently launched Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange project. Recent publications include the volume Emerging Identities in Virtual Exchange
Mirjam Hauck [+-]
The Open University UK
Dr. Mirjam Hauck is Associate Head for Internationalisation, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the School of Languages and Applied Linguistics at the Open University/UK and a Senior Fellow of the UK’s Higher Education Academy. She has published widely on the use of technologies for the learning and teaching of languages and cultures. She is the President of the European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL) and Associate Editor of the CALL Journal.


In language education, virtual exchange (VE) is hailed as a form of experiential learning that offers language learners opportunities for (semi)authentic interactions with distant peers, mediated by technology. This conceptual contribution explores how - as a result of often implicit language ideologies - languages are organized in VE and the possibilities offered for identity work in VE by the framing and design of the exchanges. Using two instantiations of VE models - Tandem and Online Facilitated Dialogue (OFD) - as examples, we consider the identity categorizations and language ideologies made salient in the design of the VE.

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Helm, Francesca; Hauck, Mirjam. Language, Identity and Positioning in Virtual Exchange. Identity, Multilingualism and CALL - Responding to New Global Realities. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 24-48 May 2022. ISBN 9781800500792. Date accessed: 09 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.43408. May 2022

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