Examining Identity Performance of Multilingual Students in Computer Science Education: A Narrative Case Study
Identity, Multilingualism and CALL - Responding to New Global Realities - Liudmila Klimanova
Sharin Jacob [+ ]
University of California, Irvine
Sharin Rawhiya Jacob is a PhD in Education candidate at the University of California, Irvine. Her research interests bring together theory from the learning sciences, computer science education, and applied linguistics to examine the linguistic and sociocultural factors that help multilingual students succeed in mastering computational thinking. She has five years’ experience teaching English as a Second Language, where she taught all levels of proficiency, including sheltered math and science to newcomers. She was recently awarded the UCI Public Impact Distinguished Fellowship for her commitment to bringing actionable change for multilingual students in computing.
Jonathan Montoya [+ ]
University of California, Irvine
Jonathan Montoya is a Ph.D. student at the University of California Irvine. His research explores STEM and CTE pathways. Jonathan leverages his decades long experience as a practitioner in secondary and post secondary STEM and CTE classrooms to inform and ground his work. His most recent paper “Opportunity Gap and Women in the Energy Infrastructure Workforce” explores secondary and post-secondary STEM pathways for young women.
Mark Warschauer [+ ]
University of California, Irvine
Mark Warschauer is a Professor of Education at the University of California, Irvine where he directs the Digital Learning Lab. His research focuses on uses of digital media to promote language and literacy development among culturally and linguistically diverse learners. He is Principal Investigator of a National Science Foundation-funded project developing a computational thinking curriculum for multilingual students. Dr. Warschauer is author and editor of a wide range of books, including, Learning in the Cloud: How (and Why) to Transform Schools with Digital Media. He is founding editor of Language Learning & Technology journal and inaugural editor of AERA Open.
This study examines the identity enactment of multilingual students as they engage in a year-long computer science (CS) curriculum. Findings indicate that multilingual students develop positive CS identities when their work is 1) recognized by teachers, family, peers, and communities, and 2) solidified by their linguistic and cultural resources.