Identity, Multilingualism and CALL - Responding to New Global Realities - Liudmila Klimanova

Identity, Multilingualism and CALL - Responding to New Global Realities - Liudmila Klimanova

Engagement in the Expression of Learners' Identity within Virtual Exchange Asynchronous Discussions

Identity, Multilingualism and CALL - Responding to New Global Realities - Liudmila Klimanova

Ana Sevilla Pavón [+-]
Universitat de Valencia/IULMA
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Ana Sevilla Pavón is Associate Professor in the Department of English and German Studies at the Universitat de València, Spain, researcher in the IULMA Institute, and coordinator of the iTecla and UVEmprèn-UC Berkeley projects. She has published in international academic journals, in several books and edited volumes, and has presented in numerous conferences on applied linguistics and language learning. Her research focuses on the impact of technologies on language learning and on intercultural contexts.
Anna Nicolaou [+-]
Cyprus University of Technology
Anna Nicolaou is an English Language Instructor at the Language Centre of the Cyprus University of Technology in Cyprus. She holds a PhD from the School of Linguistics, Speech and Communication Sciences at Trinity College Dublin. She has participated in various research projects, such as VALIANT, DC4LT, DE-TEL and EUt+. Her research interests include Intercultural Education, Virtual Exchange, Multilingualism, Computer-Assisted Language Learning, 21st Century Learning and Extended Reality.


This study examines the interpersonal communication strategies used by Cypriot and Spanish virtual exchange participants for the projection and negotiation of their cultural identities. Framed within Engagement (Martin & White, 2005), it analyses learners’ use of contracting and expanding strategies when sharing knowledge and views about their own language(s) and culture(s) while developing new knowledge about different languages and cultures.

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Sevilla Pavón, Ana; Nicolaou, Anna. Engagement in the Expression of Learners' Identity within Virtual Exchange Asynchronous Discussions. Identity, Multilingualism and CALL - Responding to New Global Realities. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 244-270 May 2022. ISBN 9781800500792. Date accessed: 07 Nov 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.43416. May 2022

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