Archetypes in Religion and Beyond - A Practical Theory of Human Integration and Inspiration - Robert M. Ellis

Archetypes in Religion and Beyond - A Practical Theory of Human Integration and Inspiration - Robert M. Ellis

g. Archetypes and Religion

Archetypes in Religion and Beyond - A Practical Theory of Human Integration and Inspiration - Robert M. Ellis

Robert M. Ellis [+-]
Middle Way Society
Robert M. Ellis is author of a range of interdisciplinary books on Middle Way Philosophy, both within and beyond Buddhism. These have included The Buddha’s Middle Way: Experiential Judgement in His Life and Teaching (Equinox Publishing, 2019) and Archetypes in Religion and Beyond: A Practical Theory of Human Integration and Inspiration (Equinox Publishing, 2022). He is also founder of the Middle Way Society and of Tirylan House Retreat Centre in Wales.


Jung’s ideas about religion can be helpfully clarified as suggesting that religion can help us integrate the archetypes – provided they are not kept in conflict through projection. There is thus a distinction between practical religion that fulfils this need, and dogmatic religion that instead hijacks that function to maintain projected beliefs as the supposed ‘truths’ of religion.

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Ellis, Robert. g. Archetypes and Religion. Archetypes in Religion and Beyond - A Practical Theory of Human Integration and Inspiration. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 43-48 Feb 2022. ISBN 9781800500778. Date accessed: 14 Jan 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.43660. Feb 2022

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