The Qur'an - Translated with a New Introduction - A.J. Droge

The Qur'an - Translated with a New Introduction - A.J. Droge

3. House of ‘Imrān

The Qur'an - Translated with a New Introduction - A.J. Droge

A.J. Droge [+-]
A. J. Droge is the translator of The Qur’an: A New Annotated Translation (Equinox, 2013), and the author of Homer or Moses? Early Christian Interpretations of the History of Culture and A Noble Death: Suicide and Martyrdom among Christians and Jews in Antiquity (with J.D. Tabor).


This sūra opens with a pronouncement about the divine origin of the Qur’ān, including its relationship to the previous scriptures of Jews and Christians. After this come stories of Zachariah, Mary, Jesus and his disciples, and Abraham as a Muslim. Criticism of Jewish disbelief, exhortation to the believers, and encouragement in the aftermath of defeat occupy most of the remainder of the sūra. Its title derives from the reference to the ‘house of ‘Imrān’ at Q3.33.

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Droge, A.J.. 3. House of ‘Imrān. The Qur'an - Translated with a New Introduction. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 24-36 Feb 2022. ISBN 9781800500969. Date accessed: 10 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.43735. Feb 2022

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