Religion and Marxism - An Introduction - Paul-Francois Tremlett

Religion and Marxism - An Introduction - Paul-Francois Tremlett

Marxism and Liberation Theology

Religion and Marxism - An Introduction - Paul-Francois Tremlett

Paul-Francois Tremlett [+-]
Open University
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Paul-François Tremlett is a senior lecturer in religious studies at the Open University. His research interests include classical and contemporary anthropological and sociological theories of religion and the broad constitution of religion as a site of study in societies experiencing rapid social change. He is the author of Towards a New Theory of Religion and Social Change: Sovereignties and Disruptions (Bloomsbury 2021) and co-edited Ritual and Democracy: Protests, Publics and Performances (Equinox, 2020). He also co-edits the Bloomsbury Series ‘Religion, Space and Place’.


This chapter outlines the emergence of liberation theology before introducing some of its key voices. The chapter attends to some of the principal features of liberation theology particularly its emphasis on lived experience over the study of Scripture, and for the space it has made for women, black, queer and indigenous peoples to articulate new, more inclusive theologies and, more recently, for the articulation of new eco-theologies.

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Tremlett, Paul-Francois. Marxism and Liberation Theology. Religion and Marxism - An Introduction. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 52-61 Aug 2023. ISBN 9781800502871. Date accessed: 13 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.44048. Aug 2023

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