Interpreter-Mediated Healthcare Communication - Srikant Sarangi

Interpreter-Mediated Healthcare Communication - Srikant Sarangi

The Comparison of Shared Decision Making in Monolingual and Bilingual Health Encounters

Interpreter-Mediated Healthcare Communication - Srikant Sarangi

Charlene Pope [+-]
Medical University of South Carolina
Charlene Pope received her PhD in education with a focus on sociolinguistics from the University of Rochester and did a post-doctoral fellowship in preventive cardiology at the University of Rochester. She is Chief Nurse for Research at the Ralph H. Johnson Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center, and Affiliate Associate Professor at the Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine Department of Pediatrics. Her research interests include the Shared decision making in health encounters, role of communication in health service disparities, patient–provider communication, and communication practices of older people of diverse ethnicities with and without Alzheimer’s disease.
Jason Roberson [+-]
Holy Cross Faith Memorial Episcopal Church
Jason Roberson holds an MA in Spanish Linguistics from Pennsylvania State University, an MA in Hispanic Culture and Language from New York University, and an MDiv. from Virginia Theological Seminary. He previously worked at the Medical University of South Carolina as Coordinator of Interpreter Services and for the MUSC College of Nursing as grant coordinator of the Hispanic Health Initiative, funded by the Duke Endowment. He is an Episcopal priest and currently serves as Assistant Rector at Holy Cross Faith Memorial Episcopal Church in Pawleys Island, SC.


In the United States, Hispanics with limited English proficiency (LEP) experience disproportionate disparities in health services, a phenomenon that relates to communication and decision making. After a quality improvement review identified a disparity in obstetric services for Hispanic women with LEP, a pilot study discussed here explored how LEP and the presence of a medical interpreter affected shared decision making in comparisons of monolingual (English) and bilingual (English-Spanish) encounters with the same physician. A series of 16 prenatal encounters between physicians, patients, and medical interpreters were recorded. First, medical visits were recorded with eight Spanish-speaking mothers using a hospital interpreter to speak with their physician. The same physician was then recorded discussing a similar prenatal agenda with a primary language English-speaking patient. Discourse analysis was used to categorize discursive practices in social interaction. Both encounters were rated using the OPTION shared decision-making scale. Results portray how shared decision making shifts in second-language situations and the associated practices that distinguish monolingual and bilingual encounters. Examples of discursive practices suggest strategies that may mark ethnolinguistic identity and membership categorization indirectly during health encounters.

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Pope, Charlene; Roberson , Jason. The Comparison of Shared Decision Making in Monolingual and Bilingual Health Encounters. Interpreter-Mediated Healthcare Communication. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 171-198 Apr 2024. ISBN 9781845539030. Date accessed: 17 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.44101. Apr 2024

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