Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition - Essays in Honour of Professor Corrado Pensa - Chiara Neri

Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition - Essays in Honour of Professor Corrado Pensa - Chiara Neri

9. The Loveliness of the Ordinary

Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition - Essays in Honour of Professor Corrado Pensa - Chiara Neri

Christina Feldman [+-]
Meditation Teacher
Christina Feldman has studied and taught Buddhist meditation since the early 1970s. She is co-founder of Gaia House in Devon, England, and is a guiding teacher at Spirit Rock in Woodacre, California (USA) and at the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) in Barre, Massachusetts (USA) where she founded Women’s and Family retreats. She regularly leads retreats in Europe. She has written many books, such as Boundless Heart: The Buddha’s Path of Kindness; Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity; Mindfulness: Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Psychology (co-authored with Willem Kukyen); Quest of the Warrior Woman, Ways of Meditation; and Buddhist Path to Simplicity.


The short essay, also accompanied by a guided meditation (‘Touching the Ordinary’), offers a reflection on the importance of appreciating the ordinary life through the awakening of awareness. The renunciation of haste can become a way to appreciate life and to access a deep attention that can illuminate what is buried in the heart. Awareness is what helps us understand and appreciate the miracle of being alive.

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Feldman, Christina. 9. The Loveliness of the Ordinary. Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition - Essays in Honour of Professor Corrado Pensa. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 169-173 Jan 2024. ISBN 9781800503311. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=44374. Date accessed: 18 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.44374. Jan 2024

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