Ethnic Israel and Power in Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy - Outside the Box - Diana V. Edelman

Kåre Berge [+-]
Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo
Kåre Berge is Professor emeritus and guest researcher at the Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo. His studies cover the Pentateuch, especially Genesis, Exodus and Deuteronomy, focusing on cultural memory, politics of identity, didacticism, and symbolization of power-relations. In particular, “Dynamics of Power and the Re-invention of ‘Israel’ in Persian Empire Judah.” Pages 293–321 in Levantine Entanglements. Edited by T. Stordalen and Ø.S. LaBianca. Sheffield: Equinox, 2021; and “Cities in Deuteronomy: Imperial Ideology, Resilience, and the Imagination of Yahwistic Religion.” Pages 77–96 in Deuteronomy in the Making. Edited by D. Edelman, B. Rossi, K. Berge, P. Guillaume. BZAW 533; Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 2021.


In the “frames” of Deuteronomy (chs. 1–11 and 27–34), “Israel” is portrayed as an ethnic entity. What do we mean when we characterize Israel in this way, and why might the scribe(s) who created the book have chosen this strategy for conceiving Israel? This article argues that different aspects of what may be called “ethnicity” first and foremost serve the social power and the exclusive position of an elite group of literati standing behind this biblical book. The ethnic ideology of the book is part of a utopian vision that primarily is concerned with Israel as a religious, learning community. It makes sense to regard Deuteronomy as an attempt to present “Israel” as an “ethnic” entity in order to situate themselves vis-à-vis the Achaemenid imperial administration or at least to serve an “internal-Israelite” purpose. The vision serves to establish and legitimate the informal authority of the authorial group, which probably belonged to Deuteronomy’s “Levitical priests.”

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Berge, Kåre . Ethnic Israel and Power in Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy - Outside the Box. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. Jan 2025. ISBN 9781800506121. Date accessed: 17 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.44617. Jan 2025

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