The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes - Philippe Guillaume

The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes - Philippe Guillaume

58. How Does the Hebrew Bible Deal with Ecological Issues?

The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes - Philippe Guillaume

Jonathan K. Kavusa [+-]
University of Pretoria
Dr Jonathan K. Kavusa holds a PhD from the University of South Africa. He currently serves as an Associate Researcher with the University of Pretoria and also is the President and Legal Representative of the Baptist Church in Central Africa (www.cbca- His publications include “Ecological Hermeneutics and the Interpretation of Biblical Texts Yesterday, Today and Onwards: Critical Reflection and Assessment,” Old Testament Essays 32 (2019): 229–255 ( 3621/2019/v32n1a13 ); Water and Water-Related Phenomena in the Old Testament Wisdom Literature: An Eco-theological Investigation (London: Bloomsbury, 2020); and “Creation as a Cosmic Temple: Reading Genesis 1:1–2:4a in light of Willie van Heerden’s Ecological Insights,” Journal for Semitics 30 (2021): 1–23 ( 6573/8761).


Were Nasr and White correct to situate the root of the present ecological crisis in the way Western Christians have read the Old Testament? The different answers advanced so far are not equally convincing, but there are good reasons not to succumb to eco-anxiety.

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Kavusa, Jonathan K.. 58. How Does the Hebrew Bible Deal with Ecological Issues?. The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 295-300 Feb 2024. ISBN 9781800504523. Date accessed: 08 Oct 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.45039. Feb 2024

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