Becoming a Teacher Who Writes - Let Teaching be your Writing Muse - Nancy S. Gorrell

Becoming a Teacher Who Writes - Let Teaching be your Writing Muse - Nancy S. Gorrell

8. Knowing the Creatively “Gifted” Student

Becoming a Teacher Who Writes - Let Teaching be your Writing Muse - Nancy S. Gorrell

Nancy S. Gorrell [+-]
English teacher and poet
Nancy S. Gorrell is an award-winning English teacher, author, and poet. Her previously published book (with Erin Colfax) in this series is Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science: A Teacher’s Guide to Scientific Literacy ad Poetic Response (Equinox, 2012). She is currently Director of the SSBJCC Holocaust Memorial and Education Center Survivor Registry, Bridgewater, NJ.


Chapter 8 introduces scholarship defining the terms “gifted,” “talented,” and “gifted and talented.” The author presents “A Case Study: Mike, The Story of my Life as a Writer in the Making.” The author discusses how to identify the creatively “gifted” student writer. Chapter 8 offers guidelines for teaching the creatively gifted: provide freedom, provide structure, be a good reader, provide challenges, enable students to function as professionals, and do no harm. Chapter 8 includes Interdisciplinary Applications for Teachers and Students and a “Creative Personality” writing prompt. The author presents “Mike in Science Class: Under the Teacher Radar” and gifted science students in English class writing science and math poetry, in addition to “10 Dimensions of Complexity” and the “Paradox of the Creativity Personality.” The author concludes with a caveat: teach all as creatively gifted.

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Gorrell, Nancy S.. 8. Knowing the Creatively “Gifted” Student. Becoming a Teacher Who Writes - Let Teaching be your Writing Muse. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 158-176 Oct 2024. ISBN 9781845536381. Date accessed: 10 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.45159. Oct 2024

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