Deuteronomy's Ethics

Deuteronomy - Outside the Box - Diana V. Edelman

Georg Braulik [+-]
University of Vienna
Georg Braulik is professor emeritus of Old Testament biblical studies at the University of Vienna.


After an initial outline of the methodology I use to generate an ethics of the Old Testament and a presentation of three other recent approaches, this chapter delineates Deuteronomy’s theonomous ethics of “choosing life” and the rich blessing of God in the realization of the covenant of Israel with Yhwh. The short ethical formulations of the Decalogue are specified in the individual provisions of the Deuteronomic legal code. In the Moab covenant, Moses commits the general assembly of Israel to this ethics of the Torah for upcoming life in the promised land. Thanks to the circumcision of hearts, it can be realized even after episodes of disobedience. Israel’s basic requirement is love for Yhwh or fear of God, which is expressed in obedience to the individual commandments of the Deuteronomic collection. The justice of the ethics of the Torah is praised even by the other peoples.

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Braulik, Georg. Deuteronomy's Ethics. Deuteronomy - Outside the Box. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 434-475 Nov 2024. ISBN 9781800506121. Date accessed: 11 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.45182. Nov 2024

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