The Discerning Clear Gaze Viveka-Khyāti

The Discerning Clear Gaze of Yoga - Gidi Ifergan

Gidi Ifergan [+-]
Monash University
Dr. Gidi Ifergan, a scholar of Indian philosophy and Tibetan Buddhism, currently conducts research and teaches at The Monash Centre for Consciousness and Contemplative Studies, Monash University in Melbourne. He is the author of The Man from Samyé: Longchenpa on Praxis, Its Negation and Liberation (2014) and The Psychology of the Yogas (2021).


In the fourth chapter, The Discerning Clear Gaze Viveka-Khyāti, I discuss discerning wisdom. Yoga practitioners pray, perform rituals, engage in physical and mental training, and cultivate virtues. Employing these practices they aim at eroding the causes of affliction (kleśas) and binding dormant mental imprints (saṃskāras) by instilling positive and mind-stilling mental imprints. These practices are, however, insufficient in themselves to release yoga practitioners from being subjected to their dormant mental imprints. This is because the identity of the sense of I-am-ness is always involved in these efforts and in their consequences. The obvious question is what kind of knowledge or insight can reveal the sense of I-am-ness involved in actions and their consequences? Because the sense of I-am-ness is itself entangled within the world of phenomena, it must be dismantled and stripped of its constituting identifications, and be completely discerned from the true Self (puruṣa). How can this knowledge be cultivated, or how can one come to settle or abide in such insight? In response to this question I sketch, map, and interpret yogic meditation, cognitive samādhi, and its categories on the way to that phase where which the discerning clear gaze may arise.

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Ifergan, Gidi. The Discerning Clear Gaze Viveka-Khyāti. The Discerning Clear Gaze of Yoga. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 85-111 Oct 2024. ISBN 9781800504851. Date accessed: 12 Sep 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.45215. Oct 2024

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