Grażyna Bacewicz - Joanna Sendłak

Grażyna Bacewicz - Joanna Sendłak

Early Life: Łódź

Grażyna Bacewicz - Joanna Sendłak

Joanna Sendłak [+-]
Joanna Sendłak is the grand-daughter of Grażyna Bacewicz. She was born and studied in Warsaw - first painting at the Academy of Fine Arts, then philosophy at the University. She has exhibited paintings in Warsaw galleries, published stories in literary magazines and is the author of a number of novels, most recently The Dreamer of 76th Street (Nowy Świat, 2016), With Fire: Grażyna Bacewicz in Love on the Eve of War (Skarpa Warszawska, 2018) and Symphony of Stars (Skarpa Warszawska, 2019). Two volumes of her short stories were published by Fundacja Światło Literatury in 2019: Atotsi and Labirynt.


Grażyna Bacewicz receives an early music education from her father (piano, violin and music theory lessons) and at age 12 starts composition lessons with Kazimierz Sikorski, who notes her exceptional musical talent, her independent spirit and tremendous work ethic. By age 15 she is writing and performing her own works (including fugue-based material), already aware that her main goal in life is to write music.

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Sendłak, Joanna . Early Life: Łódź. Grażyna Bacewicz. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 1-17 Sep 2024. ISBN 9781800505049. Date accessed: 13 Dec 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.45263. Sep 2024

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