The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education - Daniel Walzer

The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education - Daniel Walzer

Music Business Education: A German Perspective

The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education - Daniel Walzer

Martin Lücke [+-]
Macromedia University of Applied Sciences, Berlin
Martin Lücke is Professor of Music Management at Macromedia University of Applied Sciences, Germany. As Local Head of Faculty, he leads the Faculty of Arts, Media and Psychology at the Berlin Campus. His current research focuses on education research and cultural financing. Previously, he was working on Schlager and progressive rock. Martin Lücke is active in numerous associations and initiatives. He is one of the co-founders of Music Business Research, a new scientific discipline that looks at all kinds of music from economic, legal, and sociological perspectives. His most recent publications include the Lexikon der Musikberufe (2021), the anthology The New Age of Electronic Dance Music and Club Culture (2021), edited with Anita Jóri, and the anthology Musikwirtschaftsforschung. Die Grundlagen einer neuen Disziplin (2017), co-edited with Peter Tschmuck and Beate Flath. Martin Lücke also curates music exhibitions. In 2023, together with Annette Hartmann, he created an exhibition on disco culture for the rock’n’pop museum in Gronau, Germany.


Analysing developments in Music Business Education in Germany, Martin Lücke opens the volume by contextualizing the significant differences between more traditional universities and those focusing on applied science and compares public and private institutions. After a synopsis of how Music Business Education has evolved in Germany, Lücke generates empirical data by examining curricula, accreditation standards, program length, and qualitative analysis of teaching and learning across the sector. Lücke concludes with future directions of Music Business Education in Germany and implications for educators working in similar departments in other countries.

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Lücke, Martin. Music Business Education: A German Perspective. The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 12-29 Sep 2024. ISBN 9781800505223. Date accessed: 10 Feb 2025 doi: 10.1558/equinox.45316. Sep 2024

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